03 July 2009

Still a Chaplain

Don't be too scared by the title.

Basically what I am saying is that not too much has changed.

I did pin on the rank of captain, but for a chaplain, not too much should change.

The reason for this is that every chaplain in the Army (for the most part anyway) has the same title, "chaplain." It does not matter if you are a first lieutenant, captain, major, colonel, etc. Everyone is usually going to address you as, "chaplain."

I really like that. Although making the rank of captain means more pay, my attitude and focus should be the same. I need to be concerned about my Soldiers and their well-being and care.

It is the same as when you are a pastor of a church. If you are more concerned with the size of the congregation or your perceived prestige in the community then you are focused on the wrong thing.

Of course all of that is easier said than done, and it is easy to get pulled into a wrong focus or attitude, but for me, I am reminded of the proper focus every time someone says hi,..."hey chappy, how are you doing today?"