23 May 2010

Deployment Ministry

So what is deployment ministry like?

Well, imagine that you have been asked to become the pastor of a church in a small town.

Then, imagine that the town is several hundred people; most do not go to church; everyone works together; everyone is under the age of 60; and no one is related to anyone else in town.

Then imagine that nearly all of them are men, with just a handful of women, and that those who do have a church background all come from various backgrounds.

Then imagine that the "town" has existed for a while, but only in the sense that the buildings are all there. Not only are you "new" to town, but everyone else is too. AND, everyone is only going to be there for about a year.

Oh, and did I mention that yours is the only church in town, and that you are the only "pastor" located there? Other than you and your assistant, your only church-related resource person is a couple hundred miles away and they are the ones that you try to coordinate with to provide services occasionally for "town-members" who are from other faith groups.

And a large portion of your ministry is in pastoral counseling to everyone. And you have the responsibility to try to be familiar with everyone's background so you can support them in the best way possible for their issues.

Oh, and don't forget that you are also the local hospital chaplain and serve on the city council and as an adviser to the mayor and city managers. Plus, you are required to maintain certain uniforms and physical fitness.

But, recognize that you also have "town members" who live and work in some outlying locations from town, and you know that you really need to try to visit them every so often, but the only way to do it is to catch a copter to get there. So you have to schedule those visits while maintaining presence at meetings, counselings, hospital visits, Bible studies, morale contacts, and your church services.

That is a little bit of what deployment ministry is like. And don't forget that in the midst of all this,... you are having the time of your life serving God and following His calling. Hoo-ah!